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Svwg Banner with a shuttle turned into a river with mountians and tullips
HomePresident's Message


Alone we can do so little;

together we can do so much

Helen Keller

Here we are at the end of the Guild year. All in all, it has been a fine year.  Last month I talked about the things we have accomplished this past year:  our programs were terrific, we had fun field trips, we have grown in numbers and are getting to know each other better at each meeting. Thank goodness we are able to meet in person once again, as well as engaging with members through hybrid meetings. Yes, I would say it has been a fine year.  

However, we can and need to do better. In order to have a Guild that runs smoothly and really meets the needs and desires of its members we need more involved participation. This is the third year in a row I have been part of the Nominating committee and every year it has been a flat out struggle to try to find willing members to step up and assist with running a part of the Guild.  And I get it.  There can ALWAYS be a reason ( and many of them are valid) why we can’t take on a big part of the organization.  But most of us can do something!  Most of the jobs are not overwhelming–they just need someone to shepherd them.

So this year, we are going to try something different by creating a three year succession plan and setting up a leadership team. This team will function as the overseeing body for the Guild.  It will consist of President, Vice President, Second Vice President, and a mentee.  It will function as a unit with responsibilities divided equally among the three elected officers with the mentee assisting as able as to learn how the process works. The plan is to enable a smooth transition of duties, with the Vice President moving to President, the Second Vice President moving to Vice President, the mentee moving to Second Vice President and a new mentee joining the team. They will share supervision of the different areas of the Guild such as: Programs/Workshops, Library/Mentorship and Membership to name a few. With this active support, we are hoping to encourage new volunteers to feel comfortable and more supported as they take on tasks and the roles required for the Guild to operate.

Roxane Colburn has agreed to head up the Workshops this year.  She is very excited to provide opportunities for each of us to stretch and grow in our weaving and fiber skills. If you have not taken the opportunity to fill out the questionnaire that she put together, please do so. We cannot meet your needs, if we don’t know what they are. Our Program steering committee will be working with Roxane and the Librarian to coordinate our programs with hands-on learning and available library resources.

This new way of looking at our organization and leadership structure will give us a better ability to support each other  and allow for a solid succession plan. 

We will be looking for volunteers at this next meeting to serve as membership chair, as well as, someone who is interested in becoming the leadership mentee.  Our leadership team will provide help and direction as you move into your new role.  Please consider volunteering.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at our meeting on June 1st.  Bring a dish to share for potluck, your show and tell, especially your CHALLENGE project, a willing heart and a smile!  ☺️

Questions?  Comments?



Skagit Valley Weavers' Guild

Meets at

Allen United Methodist Church

16775 Allen West Rd,

 Bow, WA 98232

Next meeting


10 am

Program TBD