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HomeVolunteer Positions
Skagit Valley weaver's Guild

Guild Volunteer Positions

Elected Officers

President presides at meetings, supervises the affairs of the Guild, and names the annual audit committee and other committees to carry out the business of the Guild. The President collaborates with members to encourage the well-being and growth of the members and the Guild.

Vice President May fill the office of the President in the next term, assists the President, presides in the absence of the President, and chairs the Nominating Committee. The Vice President also helps keep track of the committees and groups in the Guild.

Recording Secretary records and publishes member and board meeting minutes, maintains the files of minutes, and manages hand written correspondence as needed.

Treasurer receives dues and all other monies paid to the Guild, distributes approved funds, keeps an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, pays authorized debts promptly, gives a monthly report to members, and files required legal financial forms. The Treasurer supports the work of the financial audit committee.

Commitee Chairs

Newsletter Editor/Corresponding Secretary manages all electronic correspondence, publishes newsletters, and maintains relevant files.

Membership Chair works collaboratively with the Treasurer to obtain new and renewal membership forms in order to maintain a current roster of members, provides member email addresses to the Newsletter Editor, and provides nametags and current membership packets to new members.

Program Chair coordinates programs for the current year, collaborating with the Workshop Chair as needed.

Program Chair-elect plans and coordinates programs for the year following the current year and fills the office of Program Chair in the next term.

Workshop Chair coordinates and organizes periodic workshops for the Guild, coordinating with the Program Chair as needed.

Workshop Chair-elect plans and coordinates programs for the following year in collaboration with the current Workshop Chair and fills the office of Workshop Chair in the next term.

Mentorship Chair promotes the opportunity for mentorship among Guild members, matches mentee requests to Guild mentors, and plans and coordinates relevant local field trips.

Equipment Chair is responsible for the purchase, organization, and maintenance of Guilde quipment and for ensuring equipment is accessible to members.

Librarian is responsible for the purchase and organization of all materials in the Guild library, and ensuring materials are accessible to members.

ANWG Representative provides a link between the guild and ANWG.

Challenge Project Chair chooses and promotes the Guild Challenge Project for the year to inspire members to try something new and share what they have learned with other members.

Spinning Coordinator Collaborates to plan, coordinate, and communicate spinning activities for the Guild.

Webmaster manages and maintains a user-friendly, up-to-date Guild website.

Social Media Chair maintains a relevant social media presence for the Guild.

Auction Chair coordinates all aspects of the Guild’s annual auction fundraiser.

Publicity Chair is responsible for creation and distribution of bookmarks and other publicity for the Guild.

Sunshine Chair is responsible for sending cheer and sympathy to Guild members. Outreach Coordinators identify and coordinate community-based opportunities that showcase weaving, spinning, and other fiber related arts to the general public.